Regardless of how much experience you ??ve had with card games, you ??ll find something in this book for you. Absolute beginners will appreciate that the instructions for each game start at the very beginning level. If you ??ve played a few card games before, maybe you ??ll find a new game. However, coverage isn ??t limited to a description of each game and a summary of the rules. Instead, each chapter offers hints on strategy, so even the experienced player can pick up something new and worthwhile.
Card Games For Dummies covers eight categories of games, grouped together based on the basic aim of the games. Get ready to explore several fun and friendly games in each of these categories:
Card Games For Dummies will even tell you where to find information about a game on the Internet and point out places where you can play games online. And no matter what types of games you find yourself playing, and no matter where you play them, you ??ll find out how to improve your card-playing skills.